Disabled Surfers Association of Australia

Wear your Aloha shirt to raise money for DSA smiles!
Join us on INSERT DATE HERE and wear you loudest, brightest Aloha shirt to raise a smile and raise money for the DSA!
Simply pledge your support; register to wear your shirt; download the supporter kit and start getting sponsored for wearing your shirt.
Every cent raised goes to the DSA National to continue to help branches all around Australia to keep running events and putting "Smiles On Dials"
Joining the DSA "Shirts For Smiles" is easy!
Just follow the simple steps below!
Enter your details and we'll send you all the information you need.
Start spreading the word to family, friends and colleagues and start raising money.
Wear your Aloha shirt on INSERT DATE HERE and watch everyone smile!
Complete the form below to register for the DSA Shirts For Smiles 2024 then keep an eye on your email for your Fundraising Kit.
Help us to keep putting Smiles On Dials
If wearing loud, crazy shirts isn't your thing then you can always donate to the DSA any time via the donations below.
Donate via Cheque
Make cheques payable to
and post to
PO Box 345, The Entrance, NSW 2261
Donate via PayPal
Click the button below to donate

Donate Online
Donate to us direct via online banking:
AC: Disabled Surfers Association of Australia Inc
BSB: 062 256
AC Nº: 1034 0413