Disabled Surfers Association of Australia
The DSA has received multiple awards and recognition for its service to the community
2012 NSW Sports Safety Award for Disability Sport
Silver Winner
2009 Austswim / NSW Sport and Recreation for ‘Water Safety Award’
The Ministers award for the most significant contribution to water safety by an organisation.
State Level – Bronze Winner
2007 NSW Sports Safety Awards for ‘Outstanding achievement in implementing or
adoption of Safe Sport Practices’
Stage Level – Gold Winner
2006 Austswim / NSW Sport and Recreation for ‘Water Safety Award’
Community Education Program of the Year
Gary Blaschke (DSA Founder & former National President of 30 years)
2007 Order of Australia Medal (Outstanding Services to Surfing)
2001 Inducted into the Surfing Hall of Fame
2000 Australian Sports Medal (Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second)
Jim Bradley (former DSA National Advisor)
1995 Rotary International Award (Efforts in Surfing)
1989 Inducted into the Surfing Hall of Fame (Surfing Innovation)
1987 Premier’s Award (Water safety)
1987 Order of Australia Medal (Outstanding Services to Surfing)
1987 Advanced Australia Award (Services to Youth)
1986 World Lifesaving Citation (Surf Survival Course)

2013 The Ocean Grove Branch was nominated by the Barwon Coast Committee of Management for the Community Action and Partnership Award.
This award is given to a community group or business or other organisation, in recognition of their contribution to the improvement of coastal and marine environments and/or the improved wellbeing of coastal communities. This was the 14th year of the awards ceremony and during this time there has never been a joint winner in any of the five categories. DSAOG was one of the 15 finalists over the five categories and was awarded Joint 2013 Winner of the Community Action and Partnerships for Putting Smiles on Dials. Over 900 people attended the awards with presentation by the Minister for Environment and Climate Change the Honorable Ryan Smith.
The DSAOG Committee would like to thank everyone, this is your award and for without you this would mean nothing, congratulations to ALL.